
The Wife in Stilettos landed in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. As she cruises in & around the city, she wishes to share the tourist passenger seat with you.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The 5 Drive-In Theatre

I have a thing for big screens and surround sound so I was never a fan of drive-in theatres. But if

  1. You think $11 is a good deal for two (or three) movies (or $5 every Tuesdays),
  2. You want to snuggle comfortably in your car while watching movies (not bad for dates... or for tagging along sleeping babies?),
  3. You don't mind the acoustics of your car stereo (you'll tune in to your theatre's frequency for the movie audio),
  4. You need a playground to entertain your kid/s while you watch your movies, or
  5. You simply want the 1950's drive-in theatre experience

then try 5 Drive-In in 2332 9th Line Oakville. Check out their website for rates, promos, and schedules. Photo borrowed from their website. I could not see myself bringing a camera in a movie theatre, sorry.

One more thing, 5-drive in requests no outside food. I'm appalled why some people would bring their own.

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The Wife in Stilettos